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Florida Tech Evans Library Logo

New Students Guide

A guide to answer questions commonly asked by new students at Florida Tech.

Librarian Research Assistance

During most library operating hours, you may come to the library and receive in-person assistance with research from a librarian.

You may sometimes wish to consult with a librarian without actually coming to the library. As shown in the following image, the library website offers a number of options under the heading Ask a Librarian. 

Ask a Librarian

If the Chat with a Librarian icon is green that indicates that a librarian is now available to help you. 

  • Chat and Text will allow you to converse with a librarian in real time. 
  • Try using the Email option if a librarian is not immediately available
    • A librarian will respond to you once they are back on duty. 
  • Make an Appointment with your Librarian lets you schedule a future in-person consultation with a librarian. 
    • You may choose between specifying a librarian or meeting with any librarian that is available. 
    • If you wish to specify a librarian, you will probably wish to select the librarian assigned as a liaison to your academic department. Liaisons focus on the needs of their assigned departments. As a result, they may have greater expertise in the subject matter associated with those departments. 

To identify the library's liaison for your academic major, on the library's website, scroll down until you see the pictures of the reference librarians (as shown in the image below).

Library Liaisons

Clicking on any of the names or photos will bring up a web page identifying the departments for which each librarian is liaison.