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New Students Guide

A guide to answer questions commonly asked by new students at Florida Tech.

Office of the Registrar

Florida Tech's Office of the Registrar is, among other things, responsible for conducting registration. 

In connection with this process, this office maintains the university's course catalog and class schedules, both of which are discussed below.

The Registrar also maintains your academic records and, at the completion of your studies, will verify your completion of the requirements for your degree.

Signing Up for Classes

In deciding what courses you take during each academic term, you will need to take a number of factors into consideration, including:

  • What courses are required or applicable toward your major.
    • This should be determined in consultation with your department and, in particular, your academic advisor.
  • The sequence in which courses must be taken.
  • The availability of courses during a given academic term.
  • The times at which classes are scheduled, both relative to each other and to your overall schedule.
  • Achieving a balance between completing your studies in an acceptable time frame and maintaining a manageable course load.

Some resources that may be of assistance include Florida Tech's course catalog, the course schedule, and the Student section within PAWS.

Involving your Academic Advisor

You may not enroll in any classes without the approval of the Academic Advisor assigned to you.  Therefore, be sure to consult your Academic Advisor when selecting and signing up for classes.

To identify your advisor:

  1. Log in to PAWS.
  2. Select Student.
  3. Click on Student Records.
  4. Click on View Student Information.
  5. Look for the entry for Primary Advisor.

Course Catalog

The Florida Tech Course Catalog may be accessed online. 

  1. Go to the university website.
  2. Click on LINKS FOR and then STUDENTS at the top of the page. 
  3. Then, within the Academics section, click on University Catalog. 
  4. On the left side of the page, click on Course Descriptions to get a list of courses taught at Florida Tech.
  5. Clicking on the name of a particular course will display a course description.

Florida Tech provides an online Catalog Users Guide to assist students with the use of the catalog.


As shown in the image below, which displays the catalog entry for a specific math course, the course description will indicate any courses that are prerequisites for the course in question.  Some descriptions will also list co-requisite courses that must be taken at the same time.

Sample course description

Course Schedule

Florida Tech provides an online course schedule for each academic term,  Near the top of the page, as shown in the image below, you will need to click on the icon for either Fall Classes, Spring Classes, or Summer Classes..

Course Schedule term selection

The schedule will indicate the times and locations at which classes are taught, as well as the professor teaching the class.  To enable the student to see if they may still register for a class, the schedule also shows the number of students that have already registered relative to the maximum class size.

In the case of courses for which there is a particularly high demand, multiple sections of the course may be offered, sometimes allowing the student to register for a section that better accommodates their schedule.  For example, the image below shows a listing for a specific math course for which two sections are offered.

Sample course listing


To register for classes

  1. Log in to PAWS.
  2. Select the Student section.
  3. Select Registration.

As shown in the image below, which displays the Registration tab within PAWS, a variety of links relating to class registration are provided.

PAWS Registration tab