Tools for Creating Metadata
- The U.S Census Bureau offers a variety of data resources, largely microdata, for applied social science research.
- home of the U.S. Government's open data. Find data, tools, and resources to conduct research, develop web and mobile applications, design visualizations, and more.
FlowingData - links to 30 data sources.
MANTRA - Research data management training - a free online course on managing digital data from University of Edinburgh and JISC, a UK organization dedicated to the use of digital technologies for education and research.
Pew Research Center - Download datasets on topics such as U.S. politics & policy, journalism & media, the internet, science & technology, religion & public life, Hispanic trends, global attitudes and trends, and social demographic trends.
The Registry of Research Data Repositories has over 1,200 data repositories cataloged for easy searching by keyword or subject.
ONEMercury is the search engine created by DataONE, that allows you to find many data repositories all from one search tool.
DATA ONE - Founded in 2009, DataONE is a community driven project providing access to data across multiple member repositories, supporting enhanced search and discovery of Earth and environmental data.