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How to Determine Authorship

How to Determine Authorship

Learn about authorship, including how to clearly define what it means to be an author and who deserves such credit, understand the rewards and responsibilities of authorship, abide by common standards by which to determine the order of authors, and resolve authorship-related conflicts.


© 2016 American Psychological Association.

Author's Rights

Know Your Rights as the Author and Preserve Rights to Your Own Work - Use the SPARC Author Addendum when you submit a publication to a publisher. This Addendum is a legal instrument that modifies the publisher's agreement and allows you to keep key rights to your articles. It a free resource developed by SPARC.

Retaining Rights To Your Work  - Answers the questions:  Why retain rights?  Which ones to retain?  What are your rights? Which publishers are flexible.  Source: University of St. Thomas. Adapted from: Rights To Your Work: Information for University of Iowa Authors, the University of Iowa Libraries

Author's Rights - Some publishers require you to sign away all your rights to your intellectual property in order to have your research published.  These contracts are usually referred to as Copyright Transfer Agreement" or "Publication Agreement".  Source: Publishing, Scholarly Communication, and Open Access: Author's Rights. University of Illinois at Chicago Library

Keep your Copyrights - Source:  Columbia Law School. This site aims to make clear why you might want to keep your copyrights, and to provide information both to help you hold on to your rights and to grant on reasonable terms the rights you do license.