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Research Data Management

Help with data management plans


This guide has resources to help you effectively manage your data and to understand requirements from grant funding agencies for data management plans. 

A variety of offices across campus can provide assistance in data management. For assistance in writing a data management plan or with data curation, please contact me (see box in left column of this page).

What is a Data Management Plan?

In order to promote open access to research data, many U.S. funding agencies such as the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH) require researchers to supply detailed plans called Data Management Plans for managing their research data. Data management is the systematic organization and planning for data throughout the research cycle. and a Data Management Plan (DMP) describes the data and how it will be made accessible throughout its lifetime.


Benefits of a Data Management Plan

  • Maintain compliance with funding agencies.
  • Ensure that your data will be accessible and usable in the future.
  • Create and maintain a permanent archive of the data that supports your research findings.
  • Provide enhanced access to your publications. 


What is in a data management plan?

  • Description of types of data, samples, and physical collections you will be creating.
  • Standards you will use for your data and the metadata that will describe it.
  • Policies for sharing, accessing, and re-using your data.
  • Methods for archiving and preserving your data.