Many faculty, staff, and students have questions related to copyright, fair use, and intellectual property. The issue of copyright can be downright confusing, but it is our hope that the resources in this guide can help clarify the concept of copyright and permissions. We hope that this guide will also answer the questions surrounding what you can and cannot post, distribute, and copy — especially in academia.
Below, you will find handy definitions for terms and labels used throughout this guide.
The Association of Research Libraries has assembled a simple brochure to help you determine how best to share articles, multimedia, and other intellectual property with your students -- often without requesting special permission or paying fees to content owners.
The Know Your Copyrights brochure is available for re-use under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 2.5 License.
Scholarly dialogue can only be established and maintained when we respect the intellectual property of others - this means that following, and understanding, copyright law is of the utmost importance.
Florida Tech provides several resources on copyright and plagiarism for both students and faculty: