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GradTrack is a service offered by the Evans Library to support Florida Tech graduate students.

Grammarly for Education - Real-time Writing Assistance

To access Grammarly for Education, set up a personal account using your Florida Tech email address.

  1. Go to
  2. Enter your full name and Florida Tech or email address.
  3. Choose your own password (not TRACKS).
  4. Click the "Sign Up" button
  5. Grammarly will send you an email with a link to confirm your registration.
  6. Use itYou're ready to start using Grammarly Premium! You can upload documents to your account to get the Grammarly check, and/or install plugins and apps to streamline your work.

Note: Grammarly for Education is free for Florida Tech constituents.

  • No access code is required.
  • You do not need to buy a license.
  • You do not need to enter any payment information.

Writing Assistance / Using Turnitin for a Similarity Score & to Check for Plagiarism

Writing Guides & Tutorials (APA Mainly)


What is a scientific journal article?

How to Evaluate Journal Articles

A journal is considered as scholarly if it is peer reviewed. Look for the following to find a peer-reviewed journal: 

  • If the journal is sponsored by a professional scholarly society or association (e.g., the American Psychological Association) or by a university program (e.g., Critical Inquiry) or department (e.g., Social Science History).
  • If the journal has a list of reviewers or an editorial board inside the front cover, back cover, or on the first few pages. 
  • If a journal is indexed in an important index for your field.

Ethical Standards in Research and Writing

APA Code of Ethics:  Includes :

Academic Integrity & Plagiarism