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Formatting your Thesis and Dissertation:Tools,Tips and Troubleshooting

Inserting a Landscape Page and Adding Page Numbers

Inserting a landscape page

If you need a landscape layout for pages within a chapter/file, for example to accommodate a large table or diagram, use section breaks to ‘section’ these pages off from the rest of the chapter.

1. If possible, hit enter at least once at the end of what will be the last line of text on the page where you are inserting the section break, then click Next page in the Breaks menu.

2. The cursor will jump down to the next page. Hit enter several times then click next page again.

3. Place cursor in the blank page created by inserting two section breaks.

4. On the Ribbon Bar, click on Layout, then click the arrow beneath  Orientation.

5. Select Landscape.


Disconnect the Landscape Section (see Page Breaks and Section Breaks)

Adding Page Numbers to the Landscape Page(s)* (If you are using Word on a MAC computer your directions will be somewhat different)

*This is required only if you intend to print and bind your thesis or dissertation.

  1. Delete the page numbers from the footer of the landscape section.
  2. On the Insert Ribbon, in the Header & Footer Group, click on the arrow next to the Page Number icon, choose Page Margin, and then in the Plain Number section, choose Large, left (they don’t have just a plain left option).
  3. A large number will now appear in the left margin, and should be correctly centered.   
  4. Highlight the number, go to the Home Ribbon, and adjust Footer format so the style matches all of your other footers.
  5. In the Drawing Tools Format Ribbon, in the Text Group, click on Text Direction icon until the number is rotated in the right orientation.
  6. Once you have the number on the document and facing the correct direction you will need to adjust the margins.
    • To to this click on the number. Select the icon         for layout options.
    • Select “see more..”
    • Layout – go to position and adjust until within  proper borders.