Some databases may show you results for articles that are not available in full-text. That means you cannot read the full article in that database.
If this happens, look for this link in your database search results:
Clicking on the Full Text Finder link will reveal if and where full-text access to the article is available.
Remember, if you have questions, Just Ask!
When searching articles, do not enter your complete reference to find the article. Use the tips below to help you locate the article you need.
The quick way
From the Library homepage, enter the article title in the Search Field (OneSearch) or go directly to a database from the library's database page, such as PsycINFO.
Tip: Put the title in quotation marks for better results.
Advanced techniques, including the "drill down" method
When OneSearch doesn't lead directly to full text, try one of these more advanced approaches:
Drilling down by journal title
You can also find journals by looking for the journal title
Look for your journal in the Library's Journal search, or by searching in OneSearch.
Tip: The Journals search is especially useful for very common titles like "Science."
Click on a link to get online access to the journal and log in if prompted.
Once you have found your journal you may be able to search for your article title within it: look for a link that says "Search within this publication" or similar.
Tip: Put the title in quotation marks for better results.
Or "drill down" to find your article by selecting first the date, then the volume, issue, and page number in your citation.