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Instead of searching for individual articles by topic or keyword, you may want to explore a Journal on your topic. Journals publish the individual articles that we find in article databases. One Journal issue contains multiple articles focused around one central subject, theme, or topic. The Evans Library subscribes to thousands of full-text Journals that you can access via the Evans Library website.
You can search for journals by title or browse for them by subject. Use the links below to help you find Journals.
What are peer-reviewed articles? How is a journal designated as peer-reviewed? What is the process for peer-review?
This video from the NC State University Libraries explains the process.
How can I acquire articles from print journals at the Evans Library?
Articles not available electronically may be available to Distance Students via Document Delivery. Requests can be made by using our interlibrary loan and document delivery service.
What if I need articles which are not available via the Evans Library?
Distance Students may submit an Interlibrary Loan request for articles that are not available in the library's print or electronic collections.