This guide is a starting point for research related to aeronautical science, airport development and management, airlines, aviation computer science, aviation human factors, aviation meteorology, aviation safety, flight, and much more at Florida Tech.
A digital platform for writing research papers and managing references in APA Style through full integration of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association. Individual user accounts are required to write papers and save references. Training materials are available from the APA website.
Association for Computing Machinery database covers computer-related aeronautical subjects such as avionics, simulation, air traffic control, airport management, human factors, aviation weather. Contains full text Digital Library of 50 years of articles published by the ACM and also a bibliographic database from many publishers in computing with 750,000 entries.
Full-text titles from around the world, including scholarly journals, trade and industry journals, magazines, technical reports, conference proceedings, and government publications. Subjects include Aeronautics and Astronautics; Aeronautics and Aerospace Engineering; Applied Physics; Artificial Intelligence and Robotics; Astrophysics; Atomic and Molecular Physics; Circuits and Logic; Communications and Networks; Computer Applications; and Computer Programming.
Full text standards from the American Society for Testing and Materials cover engineering disciplines including aerospace. Also includes journal articles, symposia papers, manuals, and e-books. Topics include such things as materials, avionics, and fuel for aircraft.
Provides company, industry, and geopolitical macroeconomic market research from three sources: 1) Hoover's Company Profiles covering global public and non-public companies including location, summary financials, competitors, officers, and more; 2) OxResearch with succinct articles on significant economic and political developments from the faculty at Oxford Univeristy and beyond; and 3) Snapshots Series with market research overviews on 40+ industries and 40+ countries up to 2008.
Covers all disciplines of business including management, marketing, finance and economics, industry and company information. Full text and/or abstracts of over 1200 scholarly journals, plus financial data, books, reference works, case studies, industry reports, company profiles, SWOT analyses, and 50 regional publications.
In addition to the basic spelling, grammar, punctuation, and tone suggestions that come with a free Grammarly account, this service provided by the Library also offers clarity-focused sentence rewrites, plagiarism detection, word choice, and formality level. IMPORTANT NOTE: If your account shows no activity for more than three months, it will be removed. However, you can recreate your account at any time, and your documents will be saved.
To sign up for an account:
1. Click on the Grammarly for Education link above.
2. Enter your name, @FIT.EDU (faculty and staff) or @MY.FIT.EDU (students) email, and Continue
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5. Check your email inbox for an activation link. Go the Grammarly for Education guide for more help.
Comprehensive and easy to digest industry research reports on every U.S. industry including aviation. Each report has key statistics and analysis on market characteristics, operating conditions, current and forecast performance, major industry participants and more.
IEEE/IET Electronic Library includes full-text access to most IEEE and IET publications. Covers the electronic aspects of aircraft, airports, flying and more. Full text of all IEEE journals, transactions, magazines, and conference proceedings; IET journals and conference proceedings; and all current IEEE standards. Complete backfile to 1988; select content back to 1913; weekly updates; INSPEC abstract/citation and bibliographic records.
Full-text archive of historical business, financial and industry information from Moody's and Mergent corporate and municipal manuals dating back to the early 1900's. Best source for many years of company financial statistics.
Financial and business information on public companies worldwide including company history, capital stocks, earnings estimates, business segments; executives, insider trades, financials, ratios, and analysis; equity pricing and industry reports, government filings (EDGAR), and competitors; country profiles, economic research, and industry analysis.
Devoted entirely to company and industry information for U.S. and international firms, public and private. Includes their history, subsidiaries, personnel, financials, equities, annual reports, SEC filings, news, competitors. (Look under Report Search tab for Industry Reports.) Tools to build customized reports are included.
Devoted entirely to current company information including proprietary analysis. Covers company history, subsidiaries, personnel, financials, equities, annual reports, SEC filings, news, competitors. Also includes industry information from 1998 to present. Offers tools to better understand the structure and dynamics of industry sectors and corporate financial trends.
Abstracting, indexing, and full text access for core scholarly journals, magazines, major newspapers, and other publications covering a broad range of subjects. To allow linking to all Evans Library scholarly journals do not select "Full Text."
Full text articles from journals published by the American Psychological Association and others. Useful for human factors and education/training research. ProQuest database. Coverage from 1894 to present.
Bibliographic database containing citations with abstracts to psychological literature from journal articles, books, book chapters, technical reports, and dissertations. Useful for human factors and education/training research. ProQuest database. 1887-present.
Access to an extensive collection of psychological tests, measures, scales, surveys, and other assessments as well as descriptive information about the test and its development and administration.
Citations and abstracts for peer-reviewed literature and scientific data across all research fields and going back to 1960, with smart tools that track, analyze, and visualize these research results.
A digitized collection of scientific and technical books covering a broad range of subjects, including some related to aeronautics. Examples are books about space planes, human factors in training of pilots, and the airline industry. Primarily from 2005-current year. Subjects covered are: Architecture, Design and Arts; Behavioral Sciences; Biomedical & Life Sciences; Business & Economics; Chemistry & Material Science; Computer Science; Earth & Environmental Science; Engineering; Humanities, Social Sciences & Law; Mathematics & Statistics; Medicine; Physics & Astronomy; Professional and Applied Computing.
Statistics and data sets related to business & consumers, media, the environment, sports, communications, transportation, education, health care, and country and city-level economic and political information. In addition to tables and charts, Statista provides infographics and complete dossiers on selected industries and topics, analyst insights and case studies. Includes primary sources, unlimited downloads, and export of results in PowerPoint, Excel PDF and Graphic (PNG) formats.
OPEN ACCESS. Published annually by the United States Federal Government from 1878 until 2012, the Statistical Abstract of the United States is the best-known statistical reference publication in the country. It is an authoritative guide of carefully selected statistical sources on the social, political, and economic conditions that provide a snapshot of America and its people. (NOTE: To access the most current data, please refer to the organizations cited in the source notes for each table of the Statistical Abstract.)
Mostly full text reports and articles from the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. Covers airports, airlines, multimodal and intermodal transportaion with emphasis on economic impacts, planning, finance, environmental issues, safety, and more.
Education journal articles and reports, many full text. Topics include training, knowledge transfer, and related subjects, many specifically about the aviation field.
The GAO produces in-depth, unbiased reports on any current subject requested by a member of Congress. These full text reports have covered aviation security, airline deregulation, aviation safety and many other topics over the years.
Resources related to homeland security policy, strategy and organizational management. Includes books, journals, dissertations, websites, statistics, and grants covering terrorism, cyber infrastructure protection, aviation security, natural disasters, border security, energy security, and more. Sources include federal, state and local governments; international governments and institutions; nonprofit organizations and private entities.
Premier research collection of open-source resources related to homeland security policy, strategy and organizational management. Includes books, journals, dissertations, websites, statistics, and grants covering terrorism, cyber infrastructure protection, natural disasters, border security, energy security, and more. Sources include federal, state and local governments; international governments and institutions; nonprofit organizations and private entities.
Titles include: Local Climatological Data, Climatological Data, Hourly Precipitation Data, Storm Data, Monthly Climatic Data for the World, COOP Data, Climatological Data Summary, and others.
The NASA STI Repository (also known as the NASA Technical Reports Server (NTRS)) provides access to NASA metadata records, full-text online documents, images, and videos. The types of information included are conference papers, journal articles, meeting papers, patents, research reports, images, movies, and technical videos – scientific and technical information (STI) created or funded by NASA.
OPEN ACCESS. Article citations and abstracts in the fields of biomedicine and health, covering portions of the life sciences, behavioral sciences, chemical sciences, and bioengineering.
Mostly full text reports and articles from the Transportation Research Board of the National Academies. Covers airports, airlines, multimodal and intermodal transportation, with emphasis on economic impacts, planning, finance, environmental issues, safety, and more. Also has a link to TRIS, the largest bibliographic database of transportation research.
As the government's official web portal, is a search engine that locates all U.S. government information on the Internet. Searching any aeronautics topic results in a surprising array of hits covering business, legal, and technical aspects of the subject.
Full Text Finder
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If this happens, look for this link in your database search results:
Clicking on the Full Text Finder link will reveal if and where full-text access to the article is available.