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COM 1102 - Writing About Literature

Getting Started

COM 1102 focuses on reading and analyzing poems, plays, and short works of fiction. Students in this course write several essays and one research paper on literary topics.

This guide is a starting point for research related to coursework for COM 1102. Click on the tabs at the side of the page for more information. Be sure to ask a librarian if you need assistance! 

Happy searching!

Watch Performance Videos

Finding Articles Using Bibliographic Citations

Maybe you have a full citation for an article, but not the full-text of the article. What now?

This video will help you to find articles using the information from their full bibliographic citations.

How to Get More Specific Search Results

Are you searching with a keyword or phrase and having trouble finding relevant results? One trick you can use is to connect your keywords with Boolean Operators! Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT) are connectors that help us combine our keywords in specific ways for more relevant results. Check out this video on how Boolean Operators work in research.