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Marketing Research

Library resources and services on marketing


Finding books and e-books in Summon

  • Type in the Summon search box (below): global business or international business. (Note: you can do each concept separately as well)
  • Under "Content Type" (left-hand column), select e-Book and Book.  This will limit your search to only books.  The default search is sorted by Relevance.  If you wish to look at the latest books, change the sort option (on the right-hand, top of results list) to Date (newest).
  • If the fulltext of a book is not available online, you can request it through our Interlibrary Loan Service. At the ILL site, pay particular attention to the tabs at the top, then log into Interlibrary Loan. You will need to set up an account initially.


Locating Books Not in the Library Collection

Books that are not available full text online, or not in the Library Collection all together can be obtained through our Interlibrary Loan service.  Please make sure you read the FAQ and Info for Distance Learners sections (on the ILL site, link below) before requesting your items.