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MATLAB - Get Started


MATLAB Toolboxes include code, data, apps, examples, and documentation related to specific applications. These MATLAB toolboxes are licensed by Florida Tech:

  1. Aerospace
  2. Bioinformatics
  3. Communications System
  4. Computer Vision System
  5. Control System
  6. Curve Fitting
  7. Data Acquisition
  8. DSP System
  9. Financial
  10. Fuzzy Logic
  11. Global Optimization
  12. Image Acquisition
  13. Image Processing
  14. Instrument Control
  15. LTE System
  16. Mapping
  17. Neural Network
  18. OPC
  19. Optimization
  20. Parallel Computing
  21. Partial Differential Equation
  22. Phased Array System
  23. Robotics System
  24. Signal Processing
  25. Statistics and Machine Learning
  26. Symbolic Math
  27. System Identification
  28. Vehicle Network
  29. Vision HDL
  30. Wavelet
  31. WLAN System

A Selection of Books from Evans Library

The Evans Library has nearly 300 ebooks with MATLAB in the title.  This is just a small sample.  Use the eBooks link on the Library website to find ebooks using title keywords.