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AVS 5207 – Aviation Safety Management Systems & AVS 5208 - Advanced Aviation Safety Research

Resources and information for the Aviation Safety Management Systems and the Advanced Aviation Safety Research courses.

What Is Zotero?

Zotero is a citation manager or reference manager tool to store, manage, and cite bibliographic references such as books, articles, webpages, videos, and more.

Use Zotero to collect and organize information and sources; download and save full-text PDFs; and generate bibliographies, full citations, and even in-text citations while you write!

This very brief video explains what Zotero is and shows you how it works:

Manage your Citations with Zotero

GradTrack: Discover the Benefits of Zotero

GradTrack: Using Zotero to create In-Text Citations and References in MS Word

More Zotero Videos