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COM 2223 - Scientific and Technical Communication

Check Out the Evans Library APA Style Research Guide

Want to Learn More about APA Style?

For tutorials, help guides, and examples on how to apply APA Style, visit the Academic Writer. Academic writer is a tool created by the American Psychological Association and is one of the premier resources for learning APA Style.


How Do I Cite Reports and Information from Business Databases?

Business databases include useful information about companies and industries. But those reports aren't technically "journal articles." So, how do you cite them??

Check out this link for examples on how to cite information and reports from many of the top business databases.

APA Style Resources Available On the Web

Use these links for examples of specific types of APA Style citations:


Use these links for collections of APA Style reference examples (in-text and full references):


Check out these helpful, free, online guides for APA Style: