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Systems Engineering

This guide is a starting point for research related to Systems Engineering at Florida Tech.

What is a standard?

In industry, the development and application of standards allows manufacture of a large volume of interoperable parts. Standardization may focus on engineering standards, such as properties of materials, fits and tolerances, and drafting practices; or on product standards, which detail the attributes of manufactured items and are embodied in formulas, descriptions, drawings, or models. Standards are also used within industries to prevent conflict and duplication of effort. Governmental departments, trade associations, and technical associations help set standards within industries. These are coordinated and promoted by organizations such as the American National Standards Institute (ANSI) and the International Organization for Standardization (ISO).

Adapted from:: Encyclopedia Britannica  - "Standardization"

Tutorial: Standards: What are they and how can I find them?

Full Text at Evans Library

Standards Information Online

Information about standards is available from the organizations below, however the full-text must be purchased.  Some standards not owned by the Evans Library can be ordered through Interlibrary Loan.

Annotations - Citing Standards

APA (From APA Style Blog)

To cite a quality standard or guideline in APA Style, provide the author, date, title, and source of the work. After the title of the work, provide any number or identifier for the standard in parentheses without italics. Here is a template for citing a standard:

Reference list: Organization That Made the Standard. (Year). Title of the standard (Standard No.1234). Retrieved from http://xxxxx

In text: (Organization That Made the Standard, year).