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MGT 5156 Host-Based Security


  • Abstract:
  • The recent development of various methods of modulation such as PCM and PPM which exchange bandwidth for signal-to-noise ratio has intensified the interest in a general theory of communication. A basis for such a theory is contained in the important papers of Nyquist 1 and Hartley 2 on this subject. In the present paper we will extend the theory to include a number of new factors, in particular the effect of noise in the channel, and the savings possible due to the statistical structure of the original message and due to the nature of the final destination of the information.
  • Citation:

Shannon, C. E. (n.d.). A Mathematical Theory of Communication. Bell System Technical Journal, 27(3), 379–423.

Reading 2

Learning how to think about security means adopting a different mindset than we've had in the past. As a community, software developers have been thinking too much like "good guys" and thus ended up developing insecure software because they failed to predict attack scenarios. The only way to effectively develop good security in software is to learn to think like the "bad guys." Thinking like the adversary helps us to better identify and mitigate threats

  • Citation:

Whittaker, J. A., & Ford, R. (2006). How to think about security. IEEE Security & Privacy, Security & Privacy, IEEE, IEEE Secur. Privacy,

     4(2), 68–71.