The Scholarship Repository @ Florida Tech provides permanent, open access to journal articles, research reports, conference papers, data sets, theses and dissertations, and other scholarly works created by Florida Tech faculty and students.
All works become readily available with full-text links in Google Scholar. For more information, visit the Scholarship Repository FAQs for authors.
The LIbrary offers an Open Access Subvention Fund (OASF) to subsidize article processing fees for scholarly peer-reviewed articles accepted for publication in Open Access (OA) journals. For more information and to apply, visit the OASF website.
ACM (Association for Computing Machinery)
Corresponding Florida Tech authors are entitled to waive Open Access APCs for works published in ACM journals.
Annual Reviews S2O (Subscribe to Open)
Florida Tech authors will have their articles published Open Access with no article processing charges.
Cambridge University Press (CUP)
Florida Tech affiliates can publish Open Access in CUP's journals at no cost. Journal Finder
Company of Biologists Read & Publish
Corresponding authors at Florida Tech submit and publish Open Access articles with no out-of-pocket costs.
IOP (Institute of Physics) Read & Publish
Through this initiative, corresponding authors at Florida Tech submit and publish open access articles with no out-of-pocket costs. Journal Finder