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MATLAB Programming (Fundamental & Advanced)

A Guide to Self-Study on MATLAB Programming (fundamental)

Audience: This one-session workshop (fundamental level) is for beginners (esp. freshman and/or sophomore of STEM disciplines) as well as others interested.

Objectives: (1) to have a glimpse of this computation language & relevant e-resource search strategy, based on updated MATLAB version; (2) to suggest efficient approaches for initiating self-study; (3) to get familiar with m-file coding & relevant online Help search tips.

Contents: (1) basics of the programming environment; (2) different levels of Help search strategy; (3) m-file coding & fig-file editing; (4) suggested approaches for efficient self-study; (5) practical significance. 

Archived Materials:  

A Guide to Self-Study on MATLAB Programming (advanced)

Audience: This one-session workshop (advanced level) is for experienced programmers (esp. senior and/or graduate students) as well as others interested.

Objectives: (1) to have a glimpse of high-level programming techniques based on updated MATLAB version; (2) to get familiar with high-level Help search strategy; (3) to get some insight into software development and relevant e-resource & e-forum consultation. 

contents: (1) Simulink programming environment; (2) Graphic User Interface creation (GUIDE, App-Designer); (3) association of Simulink with LabVIEW; (4) software customization based on block & toolbox & coder and high-level Help consultation.

Archived Materials: