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Ocean Engineering

Ocean Engineering

Background Information

Before you can start any research on your topic, you must have a background knowledge of it. Books and websites can provide you with that knowledge.

This is important because:

  1. Background sources give you the language that people are using to discuss your topic. You will use this language when you start to search databases for scholarly articles and resources on the topic.
  2. This "pre-research" gives you a sense if your topic is focused enough. If your initial searches bring back so many results you can't even figure out what the language is, then you should consider narrowing your topic.

Websites & Background Information

General reference sources of possible interest include:

The following websites might be worth investigating:

Books & e-Books

To search the library's collection of print books, click on the "Library Catalog" link, located on the library's homepage in the "More Ways To Search" section. 

library catalog

Searches may be conducted on the basis of book titles, authors or subject (outlined in red below).

search for print book

To limit your search results to books, click on the "Advanced Search" link (outlined in blue above)

Then, scroll down the page and select the "Shelving location" tab (outlined in red, to the right).  Check the box for "Books - 4th Floor" under "Limit to any of the following:" (outlined in blue, to the right).

The Advanced Search option will also allow you to perform more complex searches involving multiple search terms.

check box for location

To search the library's complete collection of eBooks, click on the eBooks link, located on the library's homepage in the "More Ways To Search" section (see image to the right). 

Searches conducted using this search box will return both eBooks and journal articles.  On the results page, limit the results to eBooks by checking "book" (under "Resource Type") on the left side of the page.


Some specific collections of eBooks may also be of interest, including those listed below: