Below are two databases that are general in scope. Articles pertaining to Western Civilization research topics can be found by clicking on one of the following links and performing a search based on your topic.
Try one of these databases, below, for articles and information on historical topics, literature and literary criticism, and more. Each of these databases is a bit different and contains different kinds of information, so be sure to read the database descriptions for tips on how to use them effectively.
Some databases may show you results for articles that are not available in full-text. That means you cannot read the full article in that database.
If this happens, look for this link in your database search results:
Clicking on the Full Text Finder link will reveal if and where full-text access to the article is available.
Remember, if you have questions, Just Ask!
How can I acquire articles from print journals at the Evans Library?
Articles not available electronically may be available to Distance Students via Document Delivery. Requests can be made by using our interlibrary loan and document delivery service.
What if I need articles which are not available via the Evans Library?
Distance Students may submit an Interlibrary Loan request for articles that are not available in the library's print or electronic collections.