The purpose of COM 2223 is to gain practice in the technical and scientific writing style and format. This includes gathering and using data to prepare reports, abstracts, letters, technical descriptions, proposals, and oral presentations.
This guide contains resources, links, and information for Sci/Tech Com. This guide will link you to the most relevant resources for this course, from books on technical and business communication to databases containing the latest research.
Be sure to ask a Librarian if you need help!
Are you searching with a keyword or phrase and having trouble finding relevant results? One trick you can use is to connect your keywords with Boolean Operators! Boolean Operators (AND, OR, NOT) are connectors that help us combine our keywords in specific ways for more relevant results. Check out this video on how Boolean Operators work in research.
This is a quick interactive web tutorial (no audio) that will give you an overview of the features of a scholarly article. Knowing what to expect when approaching a scholarly article will help you when you are writing reports or business-related communications. You'll be able to find, understand, and synthesize the information from the article more quickly and efficiently.
Use one of the Library's two Databases for streaming video to search and browse through hundreds of quality documentary and feature film videos on all kinds of topics.