In-text citations appear in the body of your or paper. This video will show you the basics on how to create an in-text citation according to APA style.
APA 7th in Minutes: In-Text Citations by Humber Libraries is licensed under CC BY 4.0
Learn how to cite references in the text, including how to implement the basic in-text citation formats, cite multiple works, achieve clarity, and format in-text citations with missing author and/or date information.
Academic Writer
© 2023 American Psychological Association.
The References list – is an alphabetical list at the end of your paper that includes a full citation for each source you used in your paper's body.This video discusses the basic guides for formatting your references list in APA 7th edition..
APA 7 Reference List by San Jacinto College Library is licensed under a
ChatGPT citation format consists of four main elements: OpenAI. (Year). ChatGPT (Month Day version) [Large language model].