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EMG 3340 International Management

Week 7 Articles

​Kim, S., Karlesky, M. J., Myers, C. G., & Schifeling, T. (2016). Why Companies Are Becoming B Corporations. Harvard Business Review Digital Articles, 2–5.

Murray, A. “America’s CEOs Seek a New Purpose for the Corporation.” Fortune, Access this article at

Stammer, R. It Pays to become at B Company. Please access this article at

United Nations' Sustainable Goals -  access this listing at

WInston, A. -Is the Business Roundtable Statement just Empty Rhetoric? Please access this article at

Harvard Business Review articles that are not web-based can be accessed from the Business Source Complete database linked below.

Company Reports - Please review the most current

Starbucks' Global Social Impact Report Goals & Progress. Access this report  at

Unilever’s Sustainable Living Plan. Access this plan at 

Planet Money Making a T-Shirt Video Series- NPR

Re-thinking Progress:The Circular Economy

CEF 2019 CK Prahalad Award Winner: Terracycle and Loop