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Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences

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Showing 27 Databases

McGraw-Hill’s Access Engineering provides the highest quality engineering textbooks and handbooks including Mark’s Standard Handbook for Mechanical Engineers, Perry’s Chemical Engineers’ Handbook, Roark’s Formulas for Stress and Strain, and many more.
Access to all American Society of Mechanical Engineers journals from 2000 to present. Topics include Aerospace, Applied Mechanics, Automotive Systems, Biomechanical Engineering, Boilers & Pressure Vessels, Building & Construction, Computer-Aided Design (CAD), Computers & Information in Engineering, Power & Fuels, Defense, Electronic & Photonic Packaging, Energy, Environmental Emgineering, Fluids Engineering, Heat Transfer, Engines, Manufacturing & Processing, Nanotechnology, Noise Control & Acoustics, Nuclear Engineering, Numerical Analysis, Ocean, Offshore & Arctic Engineering, Pipeline & Piping Systems, Robotics & Mechatronics, Transportation and Tribology.
A vast collection of industry-leading standards, journals, symposia papers, manuals, e-books. and technical engineering information covering a broad range of engineering disciplines including aerospace, biomedical, chemical, civil, environmental, geological, health and safety, industrial, materials science, mechanical, nuclear, petroleum, soil science, and solar engineering.
OPEN ACCESS. The literature of biodiversity held in major natural history museum libraries, botanical libraries, and research institutions digitized and combined into one comprehensive web-based collection.
OPEN ACCESS. A 10-year international effort undertaken to assess the diversity, distribution, and abundance of marine life, engaging some 2,700 scientists from around the globe who participated in 540 expeditions.
OPEN ACCESS. A searchable database of research products primarily from the US Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Research and Development. Contents include research reports and assessments; policies and guidance; overviews and factsheets; speeches, testimony, and transcripts; data and tools; and much more.
OPEN ACCESS. Supports research, education, and extension to conserve coastal resources and enhance economic opportunities for the people of Florida including scholarship and fellowship opportunities for students.
A comprehensive resource for research and communication in the Earth Sciences, this specialized search incorporates the GeoRef Thesaurus and indexing with 53 full-text scholarly journals, map-based search capabilities, and links to millions of relevant resources hosted elsewhere across the internet.
OPEN ACCESS. Complete portfolio of journals, 2013-present, from long-standing publisher IET (Institution of Engineering and Technology) covering a wide range of engineering and technology fields including Communications, Signal & Image Processing, Electronics & Computer Science, Life Science, Power & Control and Transport.
OPEN ACCESS. Searchable database of materials properties with data sheets on thermoplastic and thermoset polymers such as ABS, nylon, polycarbonate, polyester, polyethylene and polypropylene; metals such as aluminum, cobalt, copper, lead, magnesium, nickel, steel, superalloys, titanium and zinc alloys; ceramics; plus semiconductors, fibers, and other engineering materials.
OPEN ACCESS. Data collected from satellites, airborne campaigns, field campaigns, in situ instruments, model outputs, calibrated sensors, etc. spaning the Earth science disciplines - Atmosphere, Biosphere, Cryosphere, Human Dimensions, Land Surface, Ocean, Solid Earth, Sun-Earth Interactions and Terrestrial Hydrosphere.
OPEN ACCESS. NCEI is responsible for hosting and providing access to one of the most significant archives on Earth with comprehensive oceanic, atmospheric, and geophysical data. NOAA's former three data centers—the National Climatic Data Center, the National Geophysical Data Center, and the National Oceanographic Data Center, which includes the National Coastal Data Development Center—merged into the National Centers for Environmental Information (NCEI).
OPEN ACCESS. NIST is a non-regulatory federal agency of the U.S. Department of Commerce with the mission to promote U.S. innovation and industrial competitiveness by advancing measurement science, standards, and technology in ways that enhance economic security and improve the quality of life.
OPEN ACCESS. This digital library and official archive for NOAA Sea Grant documents is the only comprehensive collection of Sea Grant–funded documents from over 30 programs and projects across the country. This collection includes a wide variety of subjects, such as oceanography, marine education, aquaculture, fisheries, aquatic nuisance species, coastal hazards, seafood safety, limnology, coastal zone management, marine recreation, and law.
A UNIQUE PASSWORD IS REQUIRED. Find login instructions via the link below. Access to the most current knowledge, trends, conversations, and real-world experiences in business and technology with books, videos, case studies, expert-curated learning paths and self-assessments from world-renowned innovators and corporate leaders.
Help Guide for O'Reilly Learning Platform.
OPEN ACCESS. The US Department of Energy's index to peer reviewed journal literature from major scientific publishers in the physical sciences and other energy-related disciplines. Links to full text are provided when available.
Performs a Google-like search of Evans Library materials including the contents of journals and books. Allows you to limit to full text articles from academic publications, including peer-reviewed.
Also includes access all current journals from Physical Review. An activity is required to verify user authenticity for some content.
Abstracting, indexing, and full text access for core scholarly journals, magazines, major newspapers, and other publications covering a broad range of subjects. To allow linking to all Evans Library scholarly journals do not select "Full Text."
OPEN ACCESS. Chemistry database at the National Institutes of Health (NIH) that contains mostly small molecules, but also larger molecules such as nucleotides, carbohydrates, lipids, peptides, and chemically-modified macromolecules. Information is provided on chemical structures, identifiers, chemical and physical properties, biological activities, patents, health, safety, toxicity data, and more.
Includes SAE International standards and mobility engineering technical papers published from 1998 to present. Topics cover Bodies and Structures; Parts and Components; Quality, Reliability and Durability; Safety; and Maintenance and Aftermarket.
OPEN ACCESS. Official US government portal to a searchable database of journal citatons and selected research provided by 18 scientific and technical agencies including NASA, EPA, DOE, NIST, NIH, NSF, and USGS.
A one-time registration with your email address is required for access. Search for information related to biology, biochemistry, chemistry, chemical engineering, marine biology, oceanography, and physics.Search the Chemical Abstracts, MEDLINE, CAS Registry, and CASReact databases by research topic (keyword/s), author name, chemical structure, chemical name, or chemical reaction.
Citations and abstracts for peer-reviewed literature and scientific data across all research fields and going back to 1960, with smart tools that track, analyze, and visualize these research results.
The world's largest collection of applied research in optics and photonics with all SPIE journals and conference proceedings back to 1962. Content covers astronomy, biomedical optics, communications, defense & security, energy, imaging, nanophotonics, and sensors.
Bibliographic citations and abstracts from the U.S. National Library of Medicine for the journal literature in toxicology. Records are from the last five years plus the current year. The database covers toxicology of chemicals, pharmaceuticals, pesticides, pollutants, mutagens, and teratogens.
Florida Tech has access to 1864-1978. As the world’s oldest continuing database of animal biology, Zoological Record is considered the leading taxonomic reference in the world. The broad scope of coverage ranges from biodiversity and the environment to taxonomy and veterinary sciences.

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Ocean Engineering and Marine Sciences Experts

User Experience and Instruction Librarian

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Kaylee Erdos
Evans Library
Room 124