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Introduction to Data Visualization

A beginner's guide to data visualization tools and techniques.

Learn R

As an open source programming language, there is a huge amount of educational resources available through the library and also on the web. Below is a list of Evans Library resources, as well as a list of unafiliated learning resources available online. 

This ggplot2 Cheat Sheet is offered by the developers of ggplot2 for a quick reference guide on the many options for creating visualizations with the ggplot2 library. 

Learn Python

Like R, there are many learning tools available for building strong visualizaiton skills in Python. Below is a list of some useful resources.


Evans Library has offered a Tableau workshop in the past. Here are the slides and a recording of the workshop. 

Tableau Workshop Slides

The Tableau developers also offer a vast assortment of high-quality training videos freely available on their website. A link to the videos is provided below:

Tableau also offers a top-notch educational blog to help users learn visualization.


Online Courses


Blogs and podcasts are great ways to stay informed on the latest trends and prominent work in the field. There are many focused on data visualization. These are just a few of our favorites.