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EHR 3335 Selection and Placement

Readings on Selection

Below is a list of readings selected by your instructor. Click on the link below the citation to access the article.


     Hardy,Jay H., I.,II, Gibson, C., Sloan, M., & Carr, A. (2017). Are applicants more likely to quit longer assessments? examining the effect of assessment length on applicant attrition behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(7), 1148-1158.


     Lyons, B. J., Volpone, S. D., Wessel, J. L., & Alonso, N. M. (2017). Disclosing a disability: Do strategy type and onset controllability make a difference? Journal of Applied Psychology, 102(9), 1375-1383.

    Nagele-Piazza, L. (2017). Evaluating job applicants with criminal histories. HRNews, Retrieved from

     Zielinski, D. (2017). How to choose the best background-screening provider.HRNews, Retrieved from

     Maurer, R. (2017). Know before you hire: 2017 employment screening trends.HRNews, Retrieved from

     Fisher, C. (2017). Viewpoint: Current salary should be out of bounds during job interview. HRNews, Retrieved from

     Maurer, R. (2017). Know before you hire: 2017 employment screening trends.HRNews, Retrieved from