You may receive a request from a student using the "Turnitin Practice Dropbox from Evans Library" to delete their submissions. This means that they have used the dropbox three times and are now being required to wait 24 hours for the Turnitin Similarity Score report. Deleting the student's paper submission from the dropbox resets the three-submission threshold and allows them to access their Similarity Score after a short (10-30 minute) wait.
To delete a Turnitin submission:
- Go to and log in with your TRACKS credentials.
- From your Canvas Dashboard, click on the tile for the "Turnitin Practice Drop-box from Evans Library" course.
- Navigate to the "Turnitin Dropbox".
- Use the search box at the top left side of the Dropbox to search for the student's name.
- Click the three dots under "Options" next to the student's submission.
- Click "Remove from Inbox".
- Confirm that you want to remove the item from the inbox.
- Notify the student that you have deleted their submission.