1. Add references by simply dragging & dropping PDFs into your library.
2. Import existing libraries from other citation management programs (EndNote/BibTeX/RIS databases/RefWorks),
3. Add references manually, import from electronic databases
Create a Collection
Organize your references by subject, project, or any way that makes sense to you.
1. Click the Create Folder icon.
2. Type the name of the new collection in the box.
3. To add items to the collection just select, drag, and drop them into the folder.
Insert citations and format bibliographies in Microsoft Word documents
1. Highlight the citation to which you wish to add a document.
2. Click the Add Documents icon.
3. Select Add Files then search for and select the file you want to attach.
4. Click Open to add the file.
5. In the item record, under Files, select Add File...
6. Browse, select the file, and click Open to add