In order to better understand your topic, you may need to read a basic introduction to the topic before you start your literature search. While reading research articles, you may need clarification of unfamiliar concepts or terms. Encyclopedias, handbooks, and dictionaries are great tools for building a foundation for your research. Below are a few key aerospace engineering resources to consult. For additional resources, check the Aerospace Engineering Research Guide.
Through Interlibrary Loan you may request material not available in the Evans Library. Except in rare occasions, this service is at no cost to you. Articles will in most cases be delivered directly to your email address.
Zotero is a citation manager or reference manager tool to store, manage, and cite bibliographic references such as books, articles, webpages, videos, and more.
Use Zotero to collect and organize information and sources; download and save full-text PDFs; and generate bibliographies, full citations, and even in-text citations while you write!
This very brief video explains what Zotero is and shows you how it works: