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BUS 3601 Marketing Principles

This guide includes links to Evans Library and Web resources on Marketing and related areas.

Case Studies Journals

Harvard Business Review (HBR) Case Studies

Business case studies consist of real or fictional scenarios encountered by managers, companies, and industries. They are used for educational purposes, training, and problem-solving activities. Notable publishers like Harvard Business School Press produce and sell these cases, but many other sources, including journals and open-access online resources, are available.

The Harvard Business Review journal is available through the Business Source Complete database. Some HBR cases are available but with restricted save/print/share functionality.

  • From the library website, select A-Z Databases and choose Business Source Complete.
  • Select "Publications" in the top blue toolbar
  • Search for "Harvard Business Review" and click on the title
  • Chose "Search Within Publication"
  • Select the Full-Text option and Case Study as your document type.
  • Click on Search.

Harvard Business Publishing (HBP) restricts access to Harvard Business Review's 500 most popular articles to "read-only" in Business Source Complete. These articles are flagged: The publisher offers limited access to this article. The full text cannot be printed or saved. You can only view the PDF online. Furthermore, you cannot use the permalink displayed - either emailed or posted in Canvas or Course Reserves - to access the PDF. 

Harvard Business Publishing does not sell HBR case studies directly to libraries. Due to these restrictions, libraries cannot purchase or put HBR case studies on reserve. Students may buy case studies at the Harvard Business Publishing site. Instructors may register for a free educator account.


Open Access Case Studies