Academy of Management JournalPublishes empirical research that tests, extends, or builds management theory and contributes to management practice.
Academy of Management ReviewIt publishes theoretical insights that advance the understanding of management and organizations.
Administrative Science QuarterlyA peer-reviewed journal publishes theoretical and empirical papers on organizational studies and interdisciplinary work in organizational theory.
Journal of ManagementIt publishes scholarly empirical and theoretical research articles on the management field including: business strategy & policy, organizational behavior, human resource management, organizational theory, entrepreneurship, and research methods
Management Review QuarterlyCovers all business and management research fields, including accounting, business information systems, corporate finance and governance/ESG, digitalization, entrepreneurship, family firms, marketing, operations research and production, strategy, supply chain management, sustainability, and taxes.
Organization ScienceIt publishes multidisciplinary research about organizations, including their processes, structures, technologies, identities, capabilities, forms, and performance from areas such as organizational behavior and theory, strategic management, psychology, sociology, economics, political science, information systems, technology management, communication, and cognitive science.
SAM Advanced Management JournalFormerly Advanced Management Journal.
It includes articles by management scholars and practitioners to advance management thought and practice.
Strategic Management JournalPublish papers in strategic management, review and synthesize existing research, and evaluate the many methodologies used in the field
Human Resources
Human Resource Development QuarterlyIt provides research on human resource development issues and brings together relevant research from related fields, such as economics, education, management, sociology, and psychology.
Journal of Strategic Human Resource ManagementIt covers all issues of strategic human resource management being practiced in the corporate sector of India as well as in other countries.
Human Resource ManagementPublish research on policy, practices, trends, and issues on the effective utilization of human capital and the practice of HRM in organizations.
Workforce Solutions ReviewIt is the official journal of the International Association for Human Resource Information Management (IHRIM).
Journal of Leadership StudiesIncludes research-based and theoretical papers that explicitly address leadership in various social, cultural, and organizational contexts.
Journal of Organizational BehaviorCovers research and theory on topics associated with organizational behavior within and across the individual, group, and organizational levels of analysis.
LeadershipCovers topics on interdisciplinary, diverse, and critical analyses of leadership processes in contemporary organizations and society.
The Leadership QuarterlyIt publishes scholarly research, theory, and developmental application from diverse fields of inquiry about leadership.
Journal of Applied PsychologyIncludes empirical and theoretical investigations on cognitive, motivational, affective, and behavioral psychological phenomena in work and organizational settings.
Journal of Business EthicsCovers ethical issues related to business, and analyses systems of production, consumption, marketing, advertising, social and economic accounting, public relations, and organizational behavior from a moral viewpoint
Organizational Behavior and Human Decision ProcessesPublishes research in organizational behavior, organizational psychology, human cognition, judgment, and decision-making. It includes perception, cognition, judgment, attitudes, emotion, well-being, motivation, choice, and performance.
Social Responsibility JournalAn interdisciplinary journal publishing research in social responsibility, sustainability, and governance.