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PSY 2446 Sport Psychology

Readings for the PSY 2446 course.

Module 2 Reading Assignment

American Psychological Association (APA). 2017. Multicultural guidelines: An ecological approach to context, identity, and intersectionality.

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Ryba, T.V., Stambulova, N.B., Si, G., & Schinke, R.J. (2013). ISSP position stand: Culturally competent research and practice in sport and exercise psychology. International Journal of Sport and Exercise Psychology, 11, 123-142.

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Schinke, R. & Moore, Z.E. (2011). Culturally informed sport psychology: Introduction to the special issue. Journal of Clinical Sport Psychology, 5, 283-294.

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Walker, N. A., & Melton, E. N. (2015). The tipping point: The intersection of race, gender, and sexual orientation in intercollegiate sports. Journal of Sport Management, 29(3), 257-271.

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