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Academic Integrity

Basic Tips on Avoiding Plagiarism

Plagiarism Checkers

"Plagiarism checkers are software that you can use to cross-check text for duplicated content (including quoted material, paraphrased material, similarities in wording, etc.). These tools help to ensure that writing is original and correctly cited". (Jennifer Harris, 2020)

The following are some examples of plagiarism checkers:

  • Grammarly Plagiarism Checker - free service for Florida Tech constituents. It highlights your grammar and spelling errors and offers suggestions for improving sentence structure, word choice, and style for documents. Also, it helps prevent plagiarism by checking against a database of over 8 billion web pages.
  • Duplichecker -  free online tool to detect copied content from the web   
  • Quetext - useful to check for plagiarism against web sources and online books