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A-Z Databases

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New / Trial Databases

The following databases are newly acquired or being evaluated for a future subscription.
A comprehensive overview of the latest research with expert-authored reviews across diverse fields such as the life sciences, engineering, physics, economics, and the social sciences. Ten years ago to the present date are available.
Peer-reviewed academic journals from Cambridge University Press covering subjects across the humanities, social sciences, science, technology, and medicine.
Financial and business information on public companies worldwide including company history, capital stocks, earnings estimates, business segments; executives, insider trades, financials, ratios, and analysis; equity pricing and industry reports, government filings (EDGAR), and competitors; country profiles, economic research, and industry analysis.
Pivot RP is the most comprehensive global source of funding opportunities, facilitating collaborator discovery, and offering insights and short-cuts to help research organizations win a larger share of available funding. Visit the Knowledge Center to get started and learn more.
Florida Tech has access to 1864-1978. As the world’s oldest continuing database of animal biology, Zoological Record is considered the leading taxonomic reference in the world. The broad scope of coverage ranges from biodiversity and the environment to taxonomy and veterinary sciences.
